Why It Is Worth Working With An Experienced Real Estate Agent


Most of the good agents are known to stay in contact with their previous clients. You might have been serviced by a real estate agent before, and if he is still in the business, it means that you were well represented by that agent especially if he or she still contacts you. It is very fulfilling to hire a real estate agent who has experience and represents the clients he gets well.

I have received numerous numbers of letters and e-mails from the readers and am complaining about the service they received from the agents that serviced them. The complaints that are directed to me include horrible services, inferior advice and contemplation on firing an agent who could be of blood relations without causing division in the family.

Many Unskilled Real Estate Agents Give up Because of Money

Real estate agents walk out of Real estate industry because the job is not well paying. Just for example, the United States, the median salary that a real estate agent earns is less than $35,000. When taxes and normal business expenses are deducted and that he or she has a family to look after, there is little or none left for him.

Real estate can be very difficult and consumes a lot of time yet to outsiders it may appear to be very simple. New agents are advised by the experts to save their salaries for at least 6 to 12 months, but they hardly heed to that advice. Some agents may not be skillful in this field, and they end up being frustrated. It is so sad that these agents do not realize it until they have gone several months without their salaries.

There are skills that professional agents possess to stay in the industry and boost their prosperity. They are outlined below.

  • Ability to manage time
  • Being organized
  • Ability to communicate
  • Well updated with the recent technology
  • Patience in handling conflict resolutions
  • Having marketing expertise
  • Having self-promotion
  • Having an outgoing personality

How Much Experience Agents Should Have

A well-experienced agent normally has renewed his or her real estate agent license many times. Therefore, the main question one should ask a real estate agent is how many times he has had his license renewed and not how many times he has had experience.

90% of the work in the real estate industry is done by 10% of the agents. This shows that productive agents have consistency. The ability to have this consistency is brought in by the number of times that have had the experience. At least, an agent does ten transactions per year, and it means that they do one per month. It is sufficient in most real estate transactions although it is not the standard of the top producers.

The Benefits Of An Agent With Experience

When an agent makes new mistakes, it shows that he or she is experienced. A fruitful agent would have something new to learn annually while those that are not experienced tend repeating their mistakes. The success of an agent is dependent on the success of the client. Therefore, a successful contract is beneficial to both the agent and the client.

Experienced agents have the following attributes.

  • They give solutions to a problem based on their past outcome.
  • Know where the problem might come in before they occur.
  • Have a good reputation and even to his or her fellow agents
  • Have good negotiation skills.
  • Guide clients through smooth transactions.
  • Produce the statistics and essential market data to clients.
  • Know how complicated it can get while changing the real estate markets.
  • They can refer you to vendors such as mortgage lenders, title companies, home inspectors, appraisers, general contractors and pest inspectors that have been tested over a long period

Alternative Option: Hiring A Real Estate Search Agent

These search agents are mainly relatives and rarely do they want to disappoint. They may not be against your ideas but give you what you are asking for. You are limited to demanding your expectations. In conclusion, it is important to have a comparison of agents in a competitive field and employ the above guidelines and interview real estate agents for you to select your best choice.

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