Tips for Moving House


Moving can be a stressful time as you take everything you own from one home to another. Whether it is your first move into a college apartment or the third house this year, the process can be a busy and exhausting situation. Here are a few ways that you can be a little more prepared in each stage of the process.

Before the Move

Many people use a move as a time to purge unwanted clothes and knickknacks, but it is important to make sure that you stay organized so that you don’t accidentally get rid of your grandmother’s music box instead of your high school wardrobe! Using moving boxes in St. Louis, MO can help you to keep important things safe and labeled so they don’t get mixed up in the chaos.

During the Move

Whether you use a professional moving company to go across the country or take a few dozen trips across town yourself, you’ll want to make sure you continually are locking doors and keeping the move off of social media and away from onlookers who may want to break into your old or new home while your guard is down. Keep an inventory of each room so that you know that all of your things made the move with you.

After the Move

Don’t feel pressured to unpack everything at once. If you’ve labeled boxes properly so you know this one has the cutlery instead of just “kitchen things”, you will be able to slowly find where the most logical place is for each of your important belongings.

Moving is a major life change, and the event can feel overwhelming. When it’s finally finished and find yourself in your new home for the first night, you can know that you’ve done what you can to make the transition as smooth as possible by remembering these tips.

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